Principal Publications in Reverse Chronological Order (downloadable PDF
Conference Paper” (May 2008)
Real-Time Measurement of Delay at
Signalized Intersections, Ph.D. Dissertation, December 2007
Switching and Detector Calling”, IMSA Journal, Vo. 41, No. 3/03 (May/June 2003)
Single Point Ground Testers”, IMSA Journal, March/April 2003
“Choosing Intersection
Control (Part II - 3 Case Studies)”, IMSA Journal, Jan/Feb 2003
Intersection Control (Part I)”, IMSA Journal, November/December 2002
Future of Traffic Signals”, IMSA Journal, September/October 2002
of Coordinated Signal Timing Programs”, IMSA Journal, July/August 2002
Common Deficiencies of Signalized Intersections”, IMSA Journal, May/June 2002
of Signal Timings During Construction”, IMSA Journal, November/December 2001
Wasted Green Time”, IMSA Journal, July/August 2001
“The Dilemma Zone and (Volume-Density Operation”, IMSA Journal, May/June
“Dilemma Zone Protection”, IMSA Journal,
March/April 2001
“Condensed Preventive Maintenance Program for Traffic
Signals”, IMSA Journal, Jan/Feb 2001
Discipline in Multi-Lane Roundabouts”, IMSA Journal, November/December 2000
Volume Flashing”, IMSA Journal, July/August 2000
Driver Education”, IMSA Journal, May/June 2000
Inspection for Traffic Signals”, IMSA Journal, March/April 2000
for Right Turn Slip Lanes”, IMSA Journal, Jan/Feb 2000
versus Bonding”, IMSA Journal, November/December 1999
“The New IMSA Traffic Signal Inspection Manual Arrives”, IMSA Journal,
September/October 1999
Traffic Signal Inspection Manual, 1999
“Travel Time Run Drawbacks”, IMSA Journal,
July/August 1999
“Red/Yellow versus Red/Red Flashing Operation”, IMSA Journal, May/June
Background Cycle Lengths”, IMSA Journal, March/April 1999
Detection”, IMSA Journal, January/February 1999
Turn Phasing Selection”, IMSA Journal, November/December 1998
Traffic Signal Test Results Summary”, IMSA Journal, September/October 1998
“Australia and New Zealand Traffic Items”, IMSA Journal, July/August
“Traffic Signal Troubleshooting Quiz”, IMSA
Journal, March/April 1998
“Battery Storage and Direct Current”, IMSA
Journal, January/February 1998
“Maximum Usable Area of the
Conduit”, IMSA Journal, November/December 1997
“Dual Entry”,
IMSA Journal, September/October 1997
“The New Level I Signal Manual Arrives”, IMSA
Journal, July/August 1997
IMSA Level
I Traffic Signal Training Manual, 1997
Signals with Fiber Optic Cable”, IMSA Journal, May/June 1997
Preemption”, IMSA Journal, March/April 1997
Relative Offsets”, IMSA Journal, January/February 1997
the Responsiveness of a Fully Actuated Signal”, IMSA Journal, November/December
Required Loop Inductance”, IMSA Journal, September/October 1996
Phasing”, IMSA Journal, July/August 1996
Detector Test Panel”, IMSA Journal, March/April1996
Arm Pole Length”, IMSA Journal, January/February1996
IMSA Level II Traffic Signal Training Manual, 1995
“The 10 Major Pitfalls of
Coordinated Signal Timing”, ITE Journal, August 1993
Transportation Resource
Decision-Making Framework,