Principal Publications in Reverse Chronological Order (downloadable PDF Format):


“LOS For Oversaturated Conditions, A Proposed Solution for Signalized Intersections” ITE Journal 2008


“Greek Conference Paper” (May 2008)


“Microscopic and Macroscopic Approaches to Delay Estimation with Oversaturated Conditions”, Transportation Research Board, January 2008, with Kenneth C. Courage


Real-Time Measurement of Delay at Signalized Intersections, Ph.D. Dissertation, December 2007


“Detector Switching and Detector Calling”, IMSA Journal, Vo. 41, No. 3/03 (May/June 2003)


“Clamp-On Single Point Ground Testers”, IMSA Journal, March/April 2003


“Choosing Intersection Control (Part II - 3 Case Studies)”, IMSA Journal, Jan/Feb 2003


“Choosing Intersection Control (Part I)”, IMSA Journal, November/December 2002


“The Future of Traffic Signals”, IMSA Journal, September/October 2002


“Limitations of Coordinated Signal Timing Programs”, IMSA Journal, July/August 2002


“Ten Common Deficiencies of Signalized Intersections”, IMSA Journal, May/June 2002


“Modification of Signal Timings During Construction”, IMSA Journal, November/December 2001


“Avoiding Wasted Green Time”, IMSA Journal, July/August 2001


“The Dilemma Zone and (Volume-Density Operation”, IMSA Journal, May/June 2001


 “Dilemma Zone Protection”, IMSA Journal, March/April 2001


“Condensed Preventive Maintenance Program for Traffic Signals”, IMSA Journal, Jan/Feb 2001


“Lane Discipline in Multi-Lane Roundabouts”, IMSA Journal, November/December 2000


“Low Volume Flashing”, IMSA Journal, July/August 2000


“Improving Driver Education”, IMSA Journal, May/June 2000


“Tailored Inspection for Traffic Signals”, IMSA Journal, March/April 2000


“Detection for Right Turn Slip Lanes”, IMSA Journal, Jan/Feb 2000


“Grounding versus Bonding”, IMSA Journal, November/December 1999


“The New IMSA Traffic Signal Inspection Manual Arrives”, IMSA Journal, September/October 1999


 IMSA Traffic Signal Inspection Manual, 1999


 “Travel Time Run Drawbacks”, IMSA Journal, July/August 1999


“Red/Yellow versus Red/Red Flashing Operation”, IMSA Journal, May/June 1999


“Typical Background Cycle Lengths”, IMSA Journal, March/April 1999


“Delay Detection”, IMSA Journal, January/February 1999


“Left Turn Phasing Selection”, IMSA Journal, November/December 1998


“IMSA Traffic Signal Test Results Summary”, IMSA Journal, September/October 1998


“Australia and New Zealand Traffic Items”, IMSA Journal, July/August 1998


 “Traffic Signal Troubleshooting Quiz”, IMSA Journal, March/April 1998


 “Battery Storage and Direct Current”, IMSA Journal, January/February 1998


 “Maximum Usable Area of the Conduit”, IMSA Journal, November/December 1997


“Dual Entry”, IMSA Journal, September/October 1997


 “The New Level I Signal Manual Arrives”, IMSA Journal, July/August 1997


 IMSA Level I Traffic Signal Training Manual, 1997


“Interconnecting Signals with Fiber Optic Cable”, IMSA Journal, May/June 1997


“Railroad Preemption”, IMSA Journal, March/April 1997


“Checking Relative Offsets”, IMSA Journal, January/February 1997


“Adjusting the Responsiveness of a Fully Actuated Signal”, IMSA Journal, November/December 1996


“Calculating Required Loop Inductance”, IMSA Journal, September/October 1996


“Pedestrian Phasing”, IMSA Journal, July/August 1996


“The Detector Test Panel”, IMSA Journal, March/April1996


“Mast Arm Pole Length”, IMSA Journal, January/February1996


IMSA Level II Traffic Signal Training Manual, 1995


“The 10 Major Pitfalls of Coordinated Signal Timing”, ITE Journal, August 1993


Transportation Resource Decision-Making Framework, University of California Institute of Transportation Studies, December 1977