Prepared signing and pavement marking plans for 100 miles of Interstate 10 in Western Florida.  Client: Connelly Wicker Engineers /Deleuw Cather (now Parsons Transportation Group)/Florida Department of Transportation - District 3   The work included the inventory of existing signs, the signing & pavement marking design, and maintenance of traffic plans for the cross roads and ramps of numerous interchanges.  The design work involved over 1000 signs.


Prepared signing and lighting plans for a new weigh station on US 90 in Escambia County, Florida   Client: The Haskell Company/Florida Department of Transportation - District 3   The signing plans included a small changeable message sign to indicate whether the weight station was opened or closed.  This sign could be activated by a queue detection loop if the line of trucks in the weigh station was too extensive.


Completed the signing and pavement marking design for Park Street in Jacksonville, Florida.  Client: Aikenhead & Odom (now Edwards & Kelcy)/City of Jacksonville   This project involved the preparation of final design plans at three signalized intersections and two mainline segments.  The project also involved the design of school zone signing and striping for Hyde Park Elementary School, including the design of mast arm supported overhead school flashers.


Prepared signing and pavement marking plans for 15 miles of Interstate 75 in Marion County, Florida.  Client: Deleuw Cather (now Parsons Transportation Group)/Florida Department of Transportation - District 5   This work included the inventory of existing signs, signing & pavement marking design, and maintenance of traffic plans for the mainline and the ramps of one interchange.  The inventory included a comprehensive set of photographs, extensive measurements of sign and letter sizes to evaluate conformance with the Elder Road User Program, and a determination of sign post break-away characteristics.


Developed metric signing plans for 16 State Roads in the Orlando area.  Client: Florida Department of Transportation - District 5   The preparation of metric signing plans for all of the major grade-separated facilities in the greater Orlando area, including: I-4, the Beeline Expressway, the East-West Expressway, Florida's Turnpike, and the Eastern Beltway.  The work included the inventory of existing signs, the conversion of all the numerical signs from English to Metric, and the modification of all the substandard non-numerical signs to meet FHWA standards.  The design work included approximately 1500 signs and resulted in a 400-sheet set of detailed signing plans, included an extensive set of guide sign worksheets.  In advance of the design work, a design report was prepared which recommended the most cost-effective method (overlay, panel replacement, or new sign) for conversion from English to Metric legends.






Prepared signing plans for I-4 through the Orlando Metropolitan Area.  Client: Florida Department of Transportation - District 5   The preparation of conventional signing plans for I-4 in the greater Orlando area.  The purpose of this project was to bring the existing signing up to current standards.  Design improvements were made with respect to such items as sign legend, clear zone, longitudinal placement, reflectivity, and letter size.


No Passing Zone Studies in the Florida Panhandle.  Client: Florida Department of Transportation -District 3  Radio-equipped vehicles were used to complete No Passing Zone (NPZ) studies along both SR 2 and SR 20.  The results were incorporated into a revised set of signing and pavement marking plans.


Prepared signing plans for over 36 miles of the Sawgrass Turnpike in Broward County, Florida.  Client: Pitman, Hartenstein & Associates/Florida's Turnpike   This signing project involved an extensive sign inventory from which a conceptual signing plan for this 36 mile facility was developed.  Once the conceptual design was approved, a final plans package was prepared.  Work included the inventory of existing signs and modification of all guide signs and trailblazer signs relating to the Sawgrass Turnpike, both on the Sawgrass Turnpike and adjacent cross roads.  The design work included over 100 signs.


Sign Study and Design for Ridgeview High School in Clay County, Florida  Client: CGS Engineers/Clay County Engineering Department


Inspection Services for the Installation of Overhead Changeable Message Signs along I-595 and I-95 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.  Client: Florida Department of Transportation - District 4  Buckholz Traffic is providing all inspection services for this sophisticated state-of-the-art system, including factory acceptance testing, communication testing, and computer system testing.  The system includes 22 changeable message signs, 3 overhead mounted radar installations, and a combination fiber-optic/land line modem communications system.


Completed a conceptual sign design for access to Port Canaveral.  Client: Aikenhead & Odom/Canaveral Port Authority  Many signing options were evaluated including special logo signing for the port's cruise ships and diagrammatic signing at the SR 401 interchange.


Minor highway design projects.  Client: FDOT Districts 2 and 5  These projects, of which there were approximately fifteen, included road widenings, resurfacing, turn lane additions, and intersection improvements.  All of these projects contained an associated set of signing and pavement marking plans.


I-595/I-75/Sawgrass Expressway Interchange Signing Study in Broward County, Florida.  Client: Florida Department of Transportation - District 4   This signing study was initiated to correct guide sign deficiencies at a major interchange in southeast Florida.  The work involved an extensive sign inventory from which a conceptual signing plan was developed.


Development of signing & pavement marking plans for US 301, east of I-75, in Manatee County, Florida  Client: Pitman, Hartenstein & Associates/Florida Department of Transportation - District 1





Signing & pavement marking plans along New Berlin Road in Jacksonville, Florida.  Client: Gee & Jenson/City of Jacksonville


The preparation of signing plans for the installation of trailblazer signing to 300 historic sites located in all 68 Florida Counties.  Client: Florida Department of Transportation - Central Office   This work used an innovative mapping approach for sign location and included an extensive set of guide sign worksheets that were completed using the GuidSIGN computer program.  In advance of the design work, a field review was conducted to determine the best location for each of the signs.  An extensive utility contact and public outreach campaign was also undertaken to ensure local cooperation and constructability.


The design of a series of speed humps and associated signing for the main access road of Georgia Pacific's Palatka manufacturing plant.  Client: Georgia-Pacific


Participated in eight minor highway design projects in Northeast Florida.  Client: Hill-Boring and Associates/Florida Department of Transportation-District 2   These projects included road widenings, bridge approaches, and intersection improvements.  Responsibilities included: participation in plan preparation, coordination of project submittals, plan review to ensure adherence to safety criteria, and signing and pavement marking design.


Sign and lighting design for the Beeline Expressway in Orange County, Florida.  Client: Deleuw Cather (now Parsons Transportation Group)/Florida Department of Transportation - District 5   The preparation of toll booth signing plans along the Beeline Expressway.  This work included sign lighting at various locations.


School Zone Signing Evaluation and Conceptual Design for Moody Road in Clay County, Florida  Client: Clay County Planning Department  This signing study was initiated to correct major school zone signing deficiencies along Moody Road.  A rational set of school speed zones and associated signing was developed and a supporting conceptual design was prepared.


I-95 Signing Study in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.  Client: Florida Department of Transportation - District 4   This signing study was initiated to correct park & ride signing and guide sign deficiencies along the stretch of I-95 from Sunrise Boulevard to I-595.  The work involved an extensive sign inventory from which a conceptual signing plan was developed.


Districtwide Signing Project in Lake, Volusia, Seminole, and Brevard Counties.  Client: Florida Department of Transportation - District 5   The preparation of signing plans along various state roadways in four central Florida counties.  Non-standard and dilapidated signs were replaced as part of this project and inconsistent signing was eliminated.


Inspection Services for the Installation of Overhead Changeable Message Signs in Jacksonville, Florida.  Client: Florida Department of Transportation - District 2  Buckholz Traffic personnel carried-out the basic field inspection of this CMS system (power service, conduit, wiring, guard rail, etc).  The system includes eight full-matrix overhead truss mounted signs using fiber-optic flip disk technology.




SR A1A Pedestrian Crossing Study  Client: Florida Department of Transportation - District 4  This innovative study resulted in an extensive set of recommended signing improvements along the southern half of SR A1A in Palm Beach County, Florida.


Orlando Airport Parking Garage Signing Evaluation  Client: The Haskell Company/Orlando International Airport Authority  Regulatory and guide signing, as well as pavement markings, were evaluated for the expansion of both parking garages at Orlando International Airport.


Sign Design in Association with Various Roadway Improvement Projects Throughout Florida.  Various Clients   SR 25 in Columbia and Hamilton Counties, SR 20 in Jefferson County, SR 50 in Orange County, US 301 in Manatee County, SR 55 in Levy County, SR 200 in Citrus County, SR 207 in St. Johns County, US 17 in Clay County, SR 24 in Alachua County, SR 2 in Jackson County, and Monument Road in Duval County.




Within the last 8 years, Buckholz Traffic has developed signing and pavement marking plans in conjunction with the design of over 400 traffic signals throughout Florida.  These designs have include many innovative ideas, such as the use of fiber optic blank out signs for time-of-day programmable right-turn-on-red restrictions and internally illuminated overhead street name signs.



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This page was last updated on 02.26.08