M / M / 1 EXAMPLE 7
A  car wash can serve 50 vehicles in an hour.
During the peak Saturday hour, 40 vehicles arrive.
Assume both arrivals and service times are random.
A. How much vehicle storage space do we need to handle the average queue
assuming an average vehicle length of 18 feet and an average stationary gap of 7 feet?
Car Wash
l = 40 vph
m = 50 vph
l = 0.0111 vps m = 0.0139 vps =
Service Time = 1/m = 72 sec/veh = 1.2 min/veh
r = l/m = 40 vph/50 vph = 0.80
Avg Q = r2/(1-r) = 3.2 veh (round up to 4 vehicles) 4
Storage Space Needed = 4 veh x (18 ft + 7 ft)/veh = 100 feet
B. How long does the average customer that arrives during the
Saturday rush hour have to wait before entering the car wash?
Avg W = r/(m-l) = 288 sec = 4.8 min
(or Avg W = r/(m-l) = 0.08 hrs = 4.8 min
C. How much time should this person allocate for the trip to the car wash?
Avg t = 1/(m-l) = 360 sec = 6.0 min
Time Being Washed = Service Time = Avg t - Avg W = 1.2